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5 Common Mistakes Diecast Car Collectors Need To Avoid

5 Common Mistakes Diecast Car Collectors Need To Avoid

1st May 2024

Much like any hobby, diecast car collecting is a pursuit that rewards dedication and knowledge. However, it’s also an area where novices can make a few missteps that might lead to less-than-satisfying experiences. To guide you on your collecting journey, here are five common mistakes diecast car collectors need to avoid.

Not Establishing a Focus

From vintage classics to modern supercars, the sheer variety of diecast models available can be overwhelming. One could quickly find themselves with a dozen models from every era and no cohesiveness to the collection as a whole. To ensure your collection retains its value, you must establish an overarching theme or focus. Those who love classic luxury, for example, may want to save up for a Rolls Royce model car. By having a clear focus, you can build a collection that tells a story and has an understandable sense of identity.

Ignoring the Importance of Quality

In diecast collecting, it’s common for beginners to be attracted by a low price tag only to find that the model lacks the level of detail and finish that can make a significant difference in product quality. This can include paint imperfections, poor casting, misalignments, or low-quality materials. Educate yourself on what constitutes good quality in diecast models and be discerning in your purchases. While it’s understandable to start with a firm budget, it’s also worth remembering that quality models can hold or even increase in value over time.

Dismissing Rarity and Editions

Some diecast models are more plentiful than others, while certain editions are only available in limited quantities. Ignoring the rarity of a model can mean missing out on a potential treasure. Read up on special releases, limited editions, and models that were only produced for a short time, as these are usually more valuable to collectors. Keep an eye out for any certifications or special markings that indicate a model’s rarity or exclusivity.

Disregarding the Importance of Original Packaging

The packaging of a diecast model can have a significant impact on its value, especially if it’s a vintage piece. Original boxes or blister packs can protect the model and offer insight into its age and authenticity. When possible, aim to collect models with their original packaging; it not only preserves the condition of the car but also provides a complete set that many collectors prefer.

Storing Models Improperly

Even the highest-quality diecast models can deteriorate if stored improperly. Direct sunlight can fade paint and materials, exposure to moisture can cause rust in metal parts, and airtight containers can lead to mold if any moisture is trapped inside. The best way to store diecast cars is in a cool, dry place, ideally in their original packaging. Regularly cleaning and inspecting your collection can help you catch any early signs of damage.

Explore the Diecast Landscape With Confidence

The best collections are those you curate with passion and care. By avoiding these common mistakes, diecast car collectors can experience a hobby that not only brings joy but also may become a valuable legacy. Whether you’re just starting or you’ve been collecting for years, the world of diecast cars offers a vast and vibrant landscape to explore.