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Diecast vs. Resin Model Cars: Which Is Better?

Diecast vs. Resin Model Cars: Which Is Better?

1st Aug 2022

As a car model collector, the main thing you tend to focus on is the quality and longevity of your collection. Every car model collector’s preferences, passions, and ideals will differ greatly. As such, this will affect the types of models you purchase. Keep reading for more information on diecast vs. resin model cars to find which is better for your collection.

Resin Model Cars

Resin is a relatively new way of casting model cars. Many manufacturers will use resin casting to create exclusive and limited lines of model cars as it is easier to produce a smaller quantity using resin. Both the smaller quantities and method of resin formation allow for producers to create car models with heightened precision and attention to minute details. If you are a collector who wants their model cars to look exactly like the original, then resin is best for you.

Keep in mind that the quality of your resin car model will depend on the casting techniques and creators’ skills. If you want a manufacturer that chooses their resin models with keen attention to detail, shop with us at LiveCarModel. We have resin McLaren model cars with tight lines and smooth textures that are spitting images of the original vehicle you love.

Diecast Model Cars

Diecast is the go-to, traditional method of making model cars. Diecast tends to lend itself to more durable model cars, creating more flexibility and maneuverability of the joints. As such, with a diecast model car, you will be able to open the doors, trunk, and sometimes the sunroof.

Many collectors who desire interactivity and want closer viewings of the interior of their model cars will choose diecast. What’s more, the model will feel heavy in your hand, as though you shrunk the actual car down. If you want to get your children, friends, or family in on model cars, you may consider gifting them a diecast model as they will love the interactivity it provides.

Which Is Better?

Now that we have gone over the basic benefits of diecast and resin model cars, you might still be wondering which is better. The truth is that no option is necessarily better than the other, as it’s more so the method that works for your tastes as an individual. What matters the most is your personal preferences as a collector, which will solidify over time. Owning both options helps you learn which features you’re looking for in future models.

Try to ask yourself what is more important to you—do you prefer exquisite detail, or do you want maneuverability? At LiveCarModel, we have diecast and resin model cars for every collector and every preference.